

Lisa Online English tutoring Service

麗莎美語以幫助學員具體提昇英文全方位的英語學習機構。創辦人Lisa老師結合本身多年的教學經驗、豐富的理論與背景知識和海外的學習資源提供最經濟實惠與效益的課程給英語學習者。我們的教師團隊全部來自美加地區,提供學員們最純正的美語發音。讓你不用出國也能在學上"美式語言學校"。 此外,麗莎美語也提供遊、留學咨詢。歡迎加入Lisa English Online Program!
Lisa English is an organization that aims to help English learners to improve their English language proficiency level. Lisa has been studied in the USA for 5 years and has great connection with native-English speaking teachers. English learning doesn't need to be costly. Lisa brings you the best quality teaching material, teachers and media. You can learn English through an easier and more economical way in the internet era.

Getting Live Language Experience IS Easier Than Ever

隨著科技的發展,未來的生活就像是個世界村。在這樣生活步調快速且資訊充斥的世代裡。溝通的能力很重要;相對地,語言,特別是英語的能力也很重要。不論是出國遊玩,洽工或讀書皆少不了它。在這樣的世代裡,還能不把英語學好嗎? 語言的學習不該只是紙上談兵!!實際的演練是更重要的。麗莎美語幫你把美國老師帶到你身邊。不用出國!只要在家,輕輕鬆鬆,舒舒服服就能和美籍老師上課囉!
Rapid development of internet technology has further speeded up the world globalization. Languages especially English facilitate us to know the world outside of our countries. Since taking classes with English native speakers in China is expensive and not affordable for the majority of ESL students, consequently, students could have been studying English for years and yet fail to communicate in English. We are the chance to build up the connection between American teachers and ESL Learners in China with reasonable pay. This is a Win-Win deal that both of the teachers and students can learn and gain from each other.

The Future Has Come

eTEL aims to pursue an easier and economical teaching and learning process. Specifically, English native tutors can teach at home via internet video talking. Students can also have their class at home with a computer in front of them. The whole teaching and learning is a one-on-one English tutoring process via the aid of internet. Through this process, kids will learn the American culture, and communicate with native speakers, hence improving their overall language proficiency

We Are Hiring Today

Responsible and Professional English tutors are of great importance to
our business, now we invite you to join us!